Friday, April 9, 2010

New Blog site

What up, world?

So here's the deal, I built a lil' website just as a place to post installments of my weekly short screenplay series, Sunday Morning Slaughter. Then I figured there's no point in having a site for that AND a blog in another location, so they're being consolidated. Check me out there from now on. Link below.


'I've got people I love/that I lost to the game/In my mind they're saying 'Make 'em remember ya name!!!'

-Maino, "Remember My Name'

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Another music blog post. Sue me!

First of all, this isn't another blog talking about how hip hop us dead, music sucks, blah...blah...blah. Quite the opposite, actually.

These days - during the digital age - it's easier than ever to get a record deal. You can hop on fruity loops, make a catchy beat and a dance, toss that shit up on Myspace or YouTube, get some attention, and you're almost guaranteed to get a deal. Or you can be the ultimate hustler, say your name over and over on records, give out your real phone number and your almost guaranteed to get a deal. Or you can make up a random beef with a random successful rapper, put out a street video on YouTube and you're almost guaranteed to get a deal. The actual music has become secondary. But this doesn't lead to less quality music...just more shitty music. Here are the REAL problems, though:

1. We are lazy
I consider the golden era of rap to be 1994 -2004. During that time, countless 'damn good' to 'classic' albums were released. Let's take a random time frame from that period; summer 1996 - summer 1997. Jay-z dropped 'Reasonable Doubt'. Nas dropped 'It Was Written'. Outkast dropped 'ATLiens'. Big dropped 'Life After Death'. 2pac dropped 'The Don Killuminati: The Seven Day Theory'. And those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Back then, there was a different power player releasing a quality album each and every Tuesday.

And truth be told, things aren't that much different these days.

There is still plenty of quality music being released in 2009. The names may not be as recognizable, and we may have to look a little harder, but it's out there. Part of the problem is that, as consumers, we've gotten lazy - spoiled by years of an over abundance of hot shit. We don't want to take the time to weed through the Soljia Boys, D4Ls and Gucci Manes to get to the Killer Mikes, J.Coles and Joe Buddens. So what do we do instead? We bitch and whine that there isn't any good music out there. And what happens when we finally DO get off our ass and find the quality hip hop we're looking for?

2. We don't support good music
Picture this: You go in to work tomorrow and your boss calls you in his office. He tells you that you will no longer be getting paid for your services. Would you keep that job? If so, would you still work as hard at your job and continue to produce the same quality day in and day out? Well that's the message that we send to artists whose music we like when we download their music, as opposed to buying it. We tell them that they can put their blood, sweat, tears and labels money into a project, and the consumers (their FANS, no doubt!) will undercut them at every turn by stealing that music. So why would they continue to put such effort into making that music? They wouldn't. This results on two things:

A) Some artists compromise their art in an order to make up those funds. They start seeing that as long as you make simple club records and records geared toward women, they will actually SELL some records. So you see Sheek making 'Hood Love' and T.I. telling women 'You can have whatever you like!'. Good records? Yes. But also uncharacteristic of the artists.


B) Artists start to generate income outside of music. We've been begging Dre 3000 to feed us with a solo rap cd. But as a man with a family, bills and activity above the brain stem, why would he lock in for six months, spend thousands on studio time, make an album, release it and have his 'fans' download it for free, as opposed to coughing up $12? Especially when he can shake hands with a Hollywood big shot and get a $2 million check to do a movie. Financially, music seems to be a less than viable option. We need to make it profitable for artists again.

And when I say 'we', what I really mean is 'you'. Because I support my favorite artists (for the most part). I BOUGHT Jay's Blueprint 3. I BOUGHT Slaughterhouse. I BOUGHT Killer Mike's 'I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind 2'. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have the right to complain. See proof below:

3. Marketing departments from music labels are very good at what they do
They're so good that they routinely convince us what artists we should like. Don't get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with commercial music. My favorite rapper is Jay-z, for Pete.s sake. Can't get much more commercial than that. But my point is that there is music and artists out there other than what you hear on the radio. For example, I'm pretty sure there is a good portion of the population that have never heard a Killer Mike record other than 'Adidas' or 'Akshon'. And have never heard a Joe Budden record besides 'Pump it Up'. But these are two of the most skilled, intelligent, hungry MC's doing it today. But you probably wouldn't know it, just judging of those singles. Now, they have gone the indy route and are consistently dropping quality music. But you won't see them on 106 and Park. Their records will never get a million spins a week on radio. And unless you actually WANT to know when they have shit dropping, they could release an album without you ever knowing.

My point?

Stop letting labels tell you who you should like and actually open your ears, let the music speak for itself, and make up your own mind. And don't let the fact that major labels aren't behind a certain artist cause you to not get behind them either. Quality is quality, whether it comes from your favorite super star rapper who has 3 million fans and always goes plat, or from the dude that only has a hardcore fan base of 200,000 who fuck with him regardless, but isn't on a major label.

That's pretty much it.

It's best you stop screwing around homey and gimme mine/or get cooked in front of ya girl like y'all in Beni Han

Saturday, November 14, 2009

'Nigga, please!'

DISCLAIMER: It's 2am, I have been writing on my latest script for 3 hours and I'm starving. This blog post will most likely jump all over the place. Continue at your own risk.

Here are a few things that a lot of you may not know about me:

-I'm a English Major
-I am a hip hop head
-I am a writer

That means that I have a unique relationship with words. Not just the string of letters that make up a word. But the actual meanings and interpretations behind those words. This blog is about a word that seems to be the source of much angst and confrontation.


This blog has been in the works for like 2 months, but over the last 2 weeks, a couple of things have happened that almost FORCED me to write it. But I'll get to that later.

My mother once told me when I was younger that I shouldn't argue with white people about matters of race because it would be impossible for them to understand my position. I've come to realize that truer words were never spoken. Don't get me wrong, I am ALWAYS up for a passionate discussion about the topic. But I've learned how to recognize when a healthy, passionate discussion is heading towards an argument, and that's when I usually humbly bow out.

Why does this matter?

Because I've recently made the choice to stop using that word around white people, altogether. The reason for this is because I have determined that there are a good number of white people who don't seem to understand that it is not OK for them to say the word - in any context - regardless of who you hear say it. In fact, I have a declaration to make, right here and now, to all my white friends and future family members. There's no interpretation needed, no reading between the lines. It's very black and white. Ready? Here goes:

I can say that word all I want. You, on the other hand, cannot!

Sounds hypocritical, right? It is...very much so. No doubt about it. It's about as clear and cut a double-standard as you will ever find. But, it is one of those things that just IS. Yes, there are reasons behind it. But to be 100% honest, me going into them in any amount of detail would just come off as ignorant, self-indulgent or me having a sense of entitlement. None of which are true; but seeing as I have traveled down that road before, I don't think I'm gonna go down it again. Now by no means do I consider myself a revolutionary, a Sharpton-esque type of guy. In fact, I despise those types of people. I'm a big believer in calling a spade a spade when it comes to discrimination and racism, but not in seeking out angles and avenues to turn any sort of injustice into the second coming of Jim Crow. But what I can't really stomach is white people using that pesky word around me. I have no problem asking a stranger who uses that word what makes the think it's okay to do so. And here is the bottom line: If you say it, and I ask you politely what makes you think it's okay to do so, and you flippantly tell me 'Because you say it!' or 'It's all good, I say it around all my black friends. They don't mind!', there is a pretty decent chance that I will punch you in the face. Or we will get into a discussion that will lead to a place that neither one of us wants to end up. And who wants that? Certainly not me. So, to keep that from happening, I'm no longer going to use it around white people. That's that. Moving on.

Now comes tricky part: using the around others of the same race.

Most black people identify with one of two schools of thought:

a) The word should not be used at all, by anyone, as it is disrespectful to all black people, our ancestors and there sacrifices, and there is nothing good that can come of it.


b) Both the word itself and the meaning and connotations are different than it they were in generations past and that there is nothing wrong with using the word.

I identify with both, if that makes any sense. I guess if I was forced to hop of the fence, I'd say that I'm more of a B'er. As I said before, I use the word all the time. And I will continue to do so. Why? Because I am very comfortable using the word and know when how to censor myself when the situation warrants. However, I can certainly understand the point of view of anyone who identifies with A. Some of my best friends fall in line with that viewpoint, and who am I to disrespect that? But it seems that us B'ers don't get the same respect from the A crowd. Here's an example:

I recently used the word when commenting to a friend on a certain social networking site that shall go unnamed. One of their female family member's decided to crusade for all that was right and pure in the world and proceeded to tell me not only that they did not understand why I felt the need to use that word, but that my use of the word personally offended her.

You are offended by my use of the word? Not a problem. One of my life mottos is 'Pride and ego destroy great men'. I had no problem humbling myself and apologizing for offending her by using the word in mixed company. But not for the obvious reasons. In no way to do I feel the need to defend my use of the word itself. I apologized because I respect the person who I made the comment to and, by proxy, I respect his family.

But she decided to take it a step further and indirectly refer to me as a moron, attack my character, wonder out loud of I was 'too stupid to find some other noun to use' and stated that anyone who wanted to comment that the word was OK to use would be 'verbally assaulted'.

This is the part that I have a problem with.

I don't want to toot my own horn, but I am very articulate, well-read and beyond intelligent. I am college educated (somewhat...yikes!) and have a mastery over the English language that is well above average. Remember when our grade school teachers told us that the kids who used curse words were the ones who weren't smart enough to think of any other words to use? Well, that was a FUCKING myth! I defy anyone to listen to my usage of four letter words and equate that with my IQ score. You'd be in for quite a surprise. Don't let the sloppy blog, tattoos and potty mouth fool you, people.

My son is right back!

Ok. False alarm. Back to business.

Now, the person who made those comments seems very intelligent and seems to have a good head on her shoulders and a good heart. Is there a reason she could not have respected my word choice as my own, let her feelings be known and move on...the way that I did? Am I subject to indirect verbal assault, character assassination and petty name calling if my word choice does not fall in line with the next person? Something about that doesn't seem right.

If she is reading this, which is quite possible, please don't take it as some sort of attack.'s not. If you are as sharp as you seem, you should be able to tell that I wouldn't throw shots at you, even though we have never even met in person. Just my curiosity getting the best of me. Feel free to comment.

I told her all about how we been living a lie/ and that they'd love to see us all to go to prison or die/ like 'baby, look at how they show us on the tv screen!'/but all she ever wants me to do is to unzip her jeans.
-J.Cole, 'Lights, Please'

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Writing of 'HR' - Vol. 4

Act one? In the can! Written, polished and put aside. It paged out a little longer than I expected, but that's good news. The way it's looking, the final script will page out at 95 - 105 pages, which is right where it should be.

Now comes the hard part: Act 2!

It's easy to stumble in act two, getting lost in your story and the happenings. There are so many things that have to happen to make the story work and make the characters seem real and layered, that quite frankly it hurts my head just thinking about. Especially in a script like mine; a small, character driven, coming of age story.

However, I ready for the challenge.

Time to stop using this blog entry as a procrastination tool and get down to business. Onward and upward!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8/I'm hungry like I never ate/set a table up with knives, forks and spoons, I'm bout to get a plate/all these weak dummies lookin' at me like a pepper steak!

-Joell Ortiz, 'Sound Off'

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Writing of 'HR' - Vol. 3

I'm back again boys and girls. A month after my last update. How are things going on my magnum opus? Read on!

I've got act one pretty much done. I'm supposed to be finishing of the last couple pages right now, but I was having trouble with how to approach a particular scene, so I decided to take a break and hit this blog thingy.

Seems to be constructed pretty solidly. When the first act is done - as opposed to moving on the act 2, like I usually do - I think I may print it out, read it over a few times and tighten it up. Just trying some different approaches from how I usually write.

That's pretty much it. Im excited to get act one 'on the can', so to speak. Hopefully it's as good as I think it is.

But either guys will hear all about it!

Rule had a run/ A couple movie parts. T.I. literally wanted to shoot up the charts
Jay-Z, 'A Star is Born'

Monday, September 28, 2009

MrYoungGun's plan to fix this country in 8 easy steps. Well...easy-ish!

Hello, World. I don't really need much of a preamble for this one. I got to talking to my barber about healthcare and why it's so fucked up. That conversation was basically the conception of this blog. Here we go:

How to fix this country in 8 easy steps:

For years now, we have allowed our public schools to slide down the slippery slope of mediocrity. Classes are too big. Teachers are not paid enough and most of them don't have the training that they need. The standards have been set too low. And no on has really addressed the problem. The real problem. The first part of the problem is that parents don't understand the role that school plays in their children's educational development and the role that they themselves play in their children's educational development. The first thing that us parents have to understand is that while it is the job of the public education system to educate our children, it is NOT the job of public education system to instill in them DESIRE learn. Guess who's shoulders that falls on?

If you send your 5 year old to kindergarten, and he does not know his ABC's, you have never read to him nor at least attempted to teach him to read, have not spent time with him doing the smallest thing like having him count the number of grapes that his is given to snack on each afternoon...if you have abandoned him to the electronic babysitter known as television, if you have not at least tried to instill in him the fact that there is an entire world out there beyond what he sees before his eyes, if you have not instilled in him the idea that there is a history that took place before him and a future that will go on after him, than you have set him up for failure. Simple as that. (Yes, I know that was one big run-on sentence. Yes, I know the irony of that fact). As parents, our job - before our sons and daughters ever step foot in a classroom - is to instill in our children the desire to learn. And...we...are...failing...

Beyond that, our children do not spend enough time in school. That is a large part of the reason that our children have fallen so far behind the rest of the world in terms of education. A friend of mine taught English in China for 3 years. Some of his students moved to America and attended high school here. They would email him regularly, telling him how easy the work, how they are excelling in every subject, how even after homework from advanced placement college-level courses, the still had more free time on their hands than they ever have before. Now why was that the case? Because when you are coming from a country where they place a real priority on education, a country where if you are not trilingual, you are falling behind, a country where you are in school from 7am - 7pm, six days a week with no summer break, going to school from 8am - 3pm, , then five days a week is a walk in the park. Our children need to spend more time in school and they need to get more out of the time that they spend there. This business about being allowed to drop out of school at 16? What type of shit is that? Everyone needs a high school education. Period. I'm so sure of this fact, that rather than try to defend it, I'm just going to move on to my next point.

Our children need to be held to a higher standard and more stringent graduation requirements. I am 26. If you are within 4 years of me, then I guarantee that you know at least one person who you graduated high school with who could barely read. Had no idea what a square root was. Had no idea what a thesis statement was. The sad part about that - and the part that people never want to acknowledge - is that it is not her fault. We let her slide by without this basic knowledge. He have socially promoted her into a world that does not offer social promotions. I have another friend who is a teacher in Florida. As of two weeks a go, she was no longer allowed to grade based on punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and capitalization. As long as she can follow the student's train of thought, then that is what matters. Are you fucking kidding me? I know a certain person, who shall remain nameless, who is unable to get a decent job. They are unable to get a decent job because their resume is a piece of shit. Misspelled words, punctuation and spelling off, etc. Now, why do you think this person thinks it's no big deal to submit a resume that is in that condition? That's right! She was allowed to slide by without having ever been held to the standard of 'Maybe, just maybe, this will be important later on in life, so you have to learn it now'. If you want to see a true depiction of the methods used to academically cripple our kids, watch season 4 of 'The Wire'.

Yes, I said it. No, I'm not a socialist. We are one of the only prosperous, developed countries in the world without health for all citizens. I mean real, substantial healthcare, paid for by the government. If the government does not look out for the well-being of it's citizens, than I think we need to rethink what this county stands for. Now, I know there are some young thundercats out there who don't think that they need insurance. Hell, I was one of those young thundercats not too long ago. But as I stated, it is the job of the government to look out for the well being of the people. And that means, to a certain extent, protecting the people from themselves. And yes, I know how expensive universal healthcare is. However, later on this blog, there is a section about balancing the budget and getting rid of the national deficit, along with several other changes that would more than pay for healthcare for every man, woman and child in The United States.

Free healthcare for all citizens. Say it with me, people.

There are a lot of issues within this country that stem, directly or indirectly, from the breakup of the American family. Our children suffer, our economy suffers, etc. One of the ways to prevent this is to enact a minimum marriage age. If you want me to be 100% honest, I think that minimum age should be 25. But in the interest of being at least a LITTLE realistic, let's go with 21.

Truthfully, at 18 or 19, you don't have the skills needed to make a marriage work. And if you do, you are one in a million. You are not mature enough to make an informed decision about rather or not you can truly spend the rest of your natural life with another person. You know why? Because at that age, you do not even know who 'YOU' are. And even if you do, the person that you are now is not the same person that you will be at 25. Will your spouse seem as desirable to you then? You to them? Hmmm. I know it seems that this may not be as important so some of the other things on this list as far as getting this country back in shape, but in my opinion, it is one of the most vital. Over the last few year, the divorce rate has fluctuated between 48% and 53%. That is half! Half the couples who get married end up divorced. Children separated from one of their parents. Stay-at-home moms and dad's forced to begin life again by diving into a horrible job market. Divorce settlements eating away at savings accounts. Child support payments crippling dad for the next however many years. Etc, Etc.

And no, I am not saying that there would be no such thing as divorce with a minimum age requirement for marriage. But if you have a brain in your head - even if that brain was nurtured by the public education system that I bashed earlier - then you realize that enacting a minimum marriage age in this country would go a long way towards curbing the problems that cause divorce. Or not. Who knows?

First of all, the term of the president should be lengthened from 4 years to 5 years. Lengthening the term would allow the president another year to fully explore the validity of any policies that are put into place. Too often, our presidents pass laws and policies that by design, yield the bulk of their effectiveness on the back end, years after being put into play. Lengthening the presidential term to 5 years gives those policies a fighting chance, as way to determine whether they are effective or not. Second, it would make my next point an easier pill to swallow...

Do away with the incumbent, limiting presidents to one term in office. One of the main reasons that no real progress ever gets made, and one of the main reasons that you see so few politicians - presidents in general - stick to their word, is because instead of doing what is best for the people, they are doing what is best for their re-election campaign. A man who knows that he is not eligible for re-election is a man who is free to carry out the acts that he feels are best for the country. No more passing laws that favor the XYZ industry because the XYZ industry has contributed $100 million to your re-election campaign. No more passing laws that alienate one group of people, for fear of pissing of a second larger group of people. Which brings me to my next point. Campaign contributions should only be allowed to come from individual donors, totaling no more than $50,000, and from organizations and business grossing less than $1 million a year. No more pork-barrel politics. We like our politicians clean and ready to do the will of the people. Not spineless bastards who are constantly bending over for a couple of dollars.

In line with that, the president of the United States should not be paid for his services. Not a single dime. Room and board is fine, damnit. And I know that the president's salary is not that much - somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000/year. But it is the principle. A stipend for life after your out of office? Sure. Being paid for being the president? Negative! Also, can someone please explain to me why we still have an electoral college? The electoral college system has crippled our economy, crippled out children academically, crippled our economy and has us fighting two wars, neither one of which we can 'win', in the traditional sense of the word. How did the electoral college process manage to do all that? By allowing that one fella to move into the White House, even after losing the popular vote. One man, one vote, majority rule! No more electoral college.

No, Renyea, I DON'T smoke. But let's be honest. Do any of you know anyone who does not smoke because it is illegal? Me either. The fact that marijuana is illegal in this country, but cigarettes and liquor are not is totally baffling to me. Lung cancer and alcohol related fatalities kill more people every WEEK in this country that marijuana related fatalities in a year. Legalize it, Uncle Sam. If you make marijuana legal, guess what you get in return? Billions of dollars in sales tax. Billions of dollars saved by not having to enforce useless, antiquated laws. Billions of dollars saved by not having to shuffle people through the legal system. The American economy would thank you. Think you would find something to spend that money on?

How? With a ten year period of funding cuts to federally funded programs and a multinational debt forgiveness program.

For years we have lived beyond out means, funneling money into places that didn't need it. That is part of what got us in trouble. Now, we seem to think that we can get out of that trouble by putting a band-aid on the problem. Negative. Tightening of the belt. That is what will fix this problem. Doing more with less? That'd be great. But more realistically, doing less with less! That means funding cuts to most federally funded programs. The national park system? Funding cuts! Arts programs? Funding cuts! Medical research that is not geared towards the preservation of life? Funding cuts? Deep space exploration? Funding cuts! If that means closing down tourism an all National Parks, shutting down most of Nasa, putting a hold on research geared towards allowing paraplegic's to walk again, then so be it. But there has to be somebody that is willing to make those tough call. That is the price of leadership. You cannot please everybody. And when you try to, you shortchange everybody.

The amount of money that we owe to other countries is ungodly. But, the tricky part is that the reverse if true as well. A debt forgiveness policy adopted by the 25 richest nations in the world would go a long way towards not only rebuilding the worldwide economy, but building up relations with some of the countries that we have traditionally considered enemies. Whether it be money, food stores, relief supplies, military aide, etc..forgive and forget.

For some reason, we seem to think that it is out job to play junior high school principal to the rest of the world. We feel the need to put our nose in affairs that we have no stake in and nothing to do with. Affairs that have been boiling for centuries. We want to ensure peace in the Middle East. We want to send aid to Tsunami victims. We want to open out borders to those who want to come to this country and live that American Dream that they hear some much about. We want to ensure that Israel and Palestine play nice with each other. And please do not think that I am saying that we are wrong for doing any of these things. But my question what cost? At what point do we go into self-preservation mode and ensure that WE are in good shape stretching out arms out to embrace the world?

The reason that we have been able to do some of the things that we have is because most of the world still looks to us as an example. But that didn't just happen for no reason. That type of admiration developed because the foundation of this country was solid and the ideals that were advertised were the ideals that would be found here, for the most part. But if we keep going the way we are going, the world will soon realize that it has been worshipping a false God. And when that happens...who will step in an protect us?

How simple is this: A quick pullout of Iraq and Afghanistan. And when I say quick, I mean within a year. $12 billion a month, and thousands of American lives. at some point you have to ask 'Do the ends justify the means?' Answer? Fuck no! S.H. is DEAD. His political party is in shambles. There have been democratic elections. Successful ones! Train the military. Train the state police and other investigative ad peace keeping branches, then leave! That's it.

We live on a planet. That planet is called Earth. And man, is it dirty! The carbon footprint of the United States is HUGE compared to out population. Now, no means do I consider myself a tree-hugger, but even I can admit that we have a problem. For generations, we have consumed natural resources at an alarming rate. For some reason, we never gave any thought to what would happen when those resources run out. One way to not have to work about killing Earth or depleting out resources? Develop alternative resources.'s all out there. In addition to that, doing so would reduce our dependence on foreign oil, which would go along way towards giving us some leverage when coming back to the negotiating table in regards to foreign policy. Hell, alternate forms of fuel and the exploration oil fields in Alaska and the Gulf Of Mexico could probably do away with out dependance on foreign oil all together.

That is pretty much it. Let me just say before I wrap up that I know some of my logic is a bit flawed. But the point is if somebody doesn't have this conversation, all is lost.

Also, let me say that I wanted to dedicate a lot more time and energy into several of these ideas, particularly the reformation of the political process and healthcare, but it's 2am, I'm tired and my son is waking up right now, expecting some food.

Far be it from me to disappoint him.

I'm the one that wanna Spear Brittany/ Give Pink some black, put it near her kidneys
-Crooked I
(How enlightening!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

The writing of 'HR' - Vol. 2

Welcome back.

So here's the deal...even though I've written a few screenplays at
this point, I still like to play around with different methods and
habits. For example:

1. I usually create a fairly detailed outline before I type 'fade in'.
A brief description of each and every scene that I need to write. With
this project, I'm kinda just compiling a list of things and ideas that
need to be explored in each act. How I'll convey those thoughts and
feelings and thematic ideas through my characters is something that
I'll just let develop on it's own through the course if writing.

2. I usually write very methodically. 'Methodically' being a euphemism
for 'slowly'. This time, I think I'm gonna write the first draft hard
and fast. Within a month, if possible.

At this point, I've got most of the story down in my head and a
general direction of how I want things to go. Within a week, I should
be ready to actually start writing. Hopefully, once I get started I
won't be able to stop. I'm pretty excited about the prospect of what
this script can be.

Until next time...

Nowadays everybody wanna be a rapper/ about two years ago everybody
was a trapper/ obviously money us what everybodys after/ tell me
what's going on, I could really use some answers
-Generation Lost, B.O.B